How Music is Used on Advertising Materials

Childhood may consist of a lot of things that when reminisced will bring so much memory and feels, and as much as we don’t want to admit, commercials during our childhood is the most nostalgic thing a person can ever come across with. That commercial and its jingle will surely make you jump and squeal and say “Hey! I know that”, and may even make you sing along with it. Truly, music like ones seen on Team9 and how it affects advertising materials does get the job done.

Music on Commercials

For one, music is initially used and mixed in materials to encourage emotion. Even in films, music is incorporated as background effects to give the viewers the feeling of that certain scene, and to make them feel what the characters are portraying even more without dialogue or a fancy scene. It tells you what the scene should be either it is a happy day with sunshine on a park, or a dark night with a luring killer outside a home. Music without any character interaction and dialogue will do that for you, and that is how it is used in commercials as well. Music even with just its beat will make you feel something about a ten seconder ad.

Second of all, as music encourages emotions and makes up for the story or skit of a commercial, music on ads are there to make the brand more familiar. With pairing music or beats with commercials, people become more familiar and aware of that commercial, going as far as them thinking of the product even with just hearing the audio of the commercial. Music, the lyrics, and the commercial’s storyline have to go very well with each other in order to create a successful commercial that can stick with people even after years of launching the ad.