Choosing the right people to guide the country isn’t as easy as checking 2019 Mattress Reviews, careful consideration of the candidate’s background, capability, personality and etc. must be done, but sometimes even after all your meticulous preparation to choose who to vote some people think that these do not matter in the end, why so? As most would argue: the system is not fair, votes are bought, votes are rigged, those running are either corrupt or incapable, one vote won’t make a difference, I know nobody, the people never learn – they vote for those who’ve gone to jail or had corrupt histories, the results would be bad anyways—people will vote for who they know, who is handsome, who can dance, who can entertain, people who belong to  a family of politicians – basically someone with capabilities/characteristics that don’t really matter in politics.

But even after all these reasons, true or untrue, why should you vote?Voting is meant to give you a voice, trying is better than not doing anything at all. Think of the “what if”, what if a single vote would make a capable legislator enter the senate? What if this legislator, (with the help of the people) can help pave the way to change?

As my professor from university would say, “there is no such thing as staying on the fence, not speaking means that you are siding with the greater hegemony—those with the greater power”. Then what if this hegemony is wrong, would you still refuse to speak? Would you rather rant it out on social media and blame the whole system when you refused your chance of speaking? Your voice can change society – it doesn’t occur in a blink of an eye, but surely it will. Positive change in society happens through years of tampering, yes, the government, but especially the minds and values of the people. Believing and spreading that your right to speak matters and can be a start to change is the start to an even greater movement. So why not try?

For those losing hope. Why vote? Check out this video: