When it comes to tactical warfare, there is no doubt that the United States forces has what it takes to win a big battle. This has already been proven countless of times throughout history. This is also not to mention how far the US military technology has advanced over the years. With the sheer power that the United States had let out during World War II, which is more than 70 years ago, the country’s capacity to obliterate its foes at this point in time is unimaginable.

However, aside from technological advancements, a lot of things have also changed since the last World War. Now, with threats that another World War might erupt with the tension between USA and Iran, there are reports that the potential battle will not be fought solely on physical ground. There is a possibility that the brewing war will also happen in cyberspace, something that Iran is reportedly gaining the upper hand. This time, this is not just a showdown of which side has the best drones.

USA Must Be Ready For Cyberattacks Coming From Iran

One thing that the world’s superpowers like the United States seem to be forgetting that there are many ways for a country to win a war, aside from the usual battle on the ground. In fact, in this ongoing friction with Iran, cybersecurity researchers and experts have warned that Tehran-based hackers are currently looking for weaknesses in big American companies, which they can easily hack and gain top secret information to be used in Iran’s favor.

In recent years, the Iranian government has been accused of funding high-profile online attacks against American countries. In fact, between 2011 and 2013, suspected Iranian hackers set their eyes on US-based banks that include JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Capital One. What they did is they introduced huge traffic to the banks’ computer networks, forcing them to go offline and cost millions of dollars of losses due to crippled banking operations country-wide.

In a similar case in 2018, a ransomware attack targetted the city of Atlanta, which successfully crippled the government operations that led police officers to write their reports by hand. These are just some of the ways in which Iran can gain the advantage in the potential war against USA, which is to weaken the United States forces with cyberattacks.