Billions of people hope to have a vaccine for COVID-19 soon.

Big Pharmaceuticals promised that a vaccine would be available by the end of the year. This prediction will cause a political and health question. To whom will the vaccine be given first? Political fear tactics about the possible Corona Vaccine is putting us in danger. For most people, our health care workers should be the first to get the vaccine. It will serve as a shield so they can continue saving more lives. Being the front liners in fighting this crisis, it is right to give it to them first.

A dilemma can arise on who gets it next. Will it be our children, our seniors, people working in factories, the sick or the homeless? Ethical and political power plays make it harder to decide about this. Big pharmaceuticals are doing its best to introduce a cure to this virus. The government of different countries also intervene. They help so that this vaccine will be available soon. They fund research by pouring billions of dollars to it. They are pressuring pharmaceutical companies too fast track their search for a vaccine. With the hope of a potential vaccine, all government agency will need to make a plan for mass production. And how to distribute it to the public.

Without enough planning and adding politics will have negative effects. Rules and laws should be crystal clear to avoid any distribution delays. Adding politics to any vaccine or potential drugs to fight the virus is not a good idea. People in politics should work hand and hand to make this possible. There should be no political favoritism when it comes to vaccine distribution. Many agree that the government should release guidelines when it comes to distribution. Priority groups should also receive the vaccine first. With the seriousness and the wide scope of the pandemic, we should act fast. A chaotic distribution plan may spark anger to the public. People are eager to get this vaccine. So many are desperate so they can go on with their normal life. Some also worry that the ordinary people are not prioritized. There may be shortage in the supply of these potential vaccines. Ordinary people worry that the rich, famous and people with political connections could find their way to get them first. This happened during the shortage of the Corona Virus test kits. People don’t want that to happen again.

Everyone should be a priority when receiving the vaccine. Our family members especially those who are nearing their retirement are very dear to us. The vaccine will be the perfect gift for we can give them. To read more about the best retirement gift we can give our grandfathers visit this link:

The urgent demand for COVID-19 vaccine should urge the Government to act fast. They should come up with a distribution plan now so it will be available to all.